I have to say, I absolutely love The Scrivener's Fancy. Not only is the site crisp, clean and oh so easy to navigate, but it's so refreshing to read opinion pieces, feature articles and general musings that aren't shoving right (or left for that matter) wing rally-calls in your face. It's just good, entertaining, thoughtful and witty writing from intelligent people.
After all the recent posts referencing he-who-shall-not-be-named ... oh alright, once more ... Vile Kyle, I figured I, and perhaps you, needed a reminder that there is funny without sperm jokes, entertainment without naked fat people and all-round intelligent whimsy available to all.
So enjoy.
I agree. It’s comforting to know that sites like The Scrivener’s Fancy exist and that we have places to escape to when we’ve heard enough about Kim Kardashian’s new hair colour.