Myf is a wonderfully down-to-earth woman who is much more attractive than the majority of mindless bimbos we see in the media today - but she seems to be consistently writing columns steeped in self-loathing.
On October 9 she talked about celebrity food-critic and author Matt Preston insinuating that she was 'dumpy' by naming a cravat after her and describing it as "short and slightly wide". The first few sentences were heartbreaking;
I've had a few challenging moments this year. I got sacked from my job on commercial radio, nominated by a tabloid paper as worst dressed at the Logies, yelled at by a 12-year-old at the footy, "Hey, you're that fat slut from the telly", and told by a comedian that "a treadmill's not gonna save you, luv". He wasn't joking either. As you can imagine, my confidence hasn't been at an all-time high.
In her October 15 column she talked about baring all for art where she berated herself for being stupid enough to think getting naked in public wouldn't come back to bite her on the bum - so to speak.
Last weeks column was a lovely piece about becoming a crazy old cat-lady and today's describes her constant inadequacy when dressing for the races. Again, she has sold herself well short;
Hats look great on others but I feel stupid in them and they look stupid on me. We have nothing in common.
The compromise was a hair band decorated with what looked like peacock-coloured chook feathers. My intention was old world glamour. The result? More like dead pigeon stapled to a tiara.
The cravat column received 87 comments on the National Times website - the majority of which were reassuring Myf that she was, in actual fact, a deadset fox.
There's something so honest in Myf's telling tales of self-doubt. Few women could say that they're happy with the way they look - their weight, height, bra size or eye-colour. Not many would be happy to share those feelings with the world.
Good on her for being brave but hopefully future columns will see her shine like the star she is. She has certainly had some knocks this year as she stated, but I'm tired of the self-deprecating Myf - I want the confident, self-assured Myf back.
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