... when I first saw it I thought, 'whatever, same old sex-sells crap' - but then I bought a Coke Zero today and the packaging tells me that I could win a "playa" lifestyle (note the ingenious use of spelling) ...

You can choose from "Gena: the Babe of Speed", "Genette: the babe of VIP holidays" or "Gene: the babe of boyz toyz" ... what the fuck? I didn't read all the details but from what I can tell I'm pretty sure you can win a blow-job and two tickets to the new Vin Diesel movie.
Seriously though - this is total bullshit - Coca-cola (whilst being a morally void, soulless corporation) has had some of the best advertisements in TV history and THIS is what they come up with?? Sure, they are trying to get men to drink Coke Zero - we get it - but why does advertising directed at men always include the objectification of women? For God's sake put a football in the ad or George Gregan scoring a touch-down or ... whatever it is that he does.
My theory? It comes down to Gen Y. Little snotty-nosed 20-somethings who just graduated from PR school and think the glass ceiling is a feature of the Louvre and who last saw bra-burning at a cheap girlie show in Thailand on their end-of-year footy trip. THEY are bringing sex-sells advertising back. Feminism became seriously 'uncool' sometime in the mid 1980s - which is when these kids were born - so they don't really know anything about it - or why women being portrayed as sex-toys is so dangerous - or why women being objectified promotes violence and anti-social behavior.
Ummm, what was I ranting about? Right - Coke Zero. Basically - I'm disappointed and annoyed that this is all they could come up with.
End rant.
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