The Food Investigators series started last Wedensday on SBS at 7:30pm. I wasn't home on Wednesday night - so I just watched it just now - online at sbs.com.au. (One of the things I love about SBS is that if I miss something I know I can see it later, fast AND free).
But back to the show: the host, Dr Renee Lim is perfect. She's likeable, cheerful, eloquent and smart. The look of the show is bright, the segments are short, sharp and informative and the analysis seems quite well balanced. Basically, I really enjoyed it - the 'average Joe' (Joe Avati) is a little annoying in that he tends to over-act - but it was episode one after all and he will hopefully warm into the role.
Basically the show is great. Much better than channel 9's What's Good For You which just happens to be on at excactly the same time. WGFY seems to fluff around with time-consuming and uneccesary graphics and annoying music - and the show doesn't excactly wear its commercial interests on its sleeve; some segments are just advertisements for products cleverly disguised as 'health' advice.
Another annoyance about WGFY is that if I want to watch it later online I have to suffer through the advertisements - something SBS has not yet introduced to its online content (- though it's only a matter of time).
I'll be watching Food Investigators again - and so will you if you know what's good for you.
Wonderful information Please do a show on a salt free diet as so many people now have to cut back on salt or no salt at all . Why do so many of our Australian Chefs add salt and add more salt to their cooking,?? wE ALL NEED LES SALT NOT MORE.