You can even find inspiring images like this on the McDonald's website;

But what I really love is that whilst all the other fast-foodies are rushing to become the healthiest and the leanest and the most fat-free - good old KFC is just adding more bacon. The latest treats from KFC include a "pocket" that has a piece of chicken, a hash brown, some bacon, maybe some cheese, perhaps some whipped cream ... - I digress.

Basically, I think it's honourable (-as honourable as a mass corporation that has no social concience can get) that they aren't even bothering with the healthy option. They should just have an ad where a fat man or woman stops hoovering from that famous bucket for one moment to tell the viewer "Hey - I really like KFC - and so do you - because it tastes shit-loads better than a piece of lettuce".
* And no, the irony of having changed their name from Kentucky Fried Chicken to KFC because they didn't want the word "fried" in the name is not lost on me ... but it does make me hungry.
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