Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Grimshaw V's Ramsay

In the blue corner we have a self-righteous ass who spends their career belittling people who may or may not have the capacity of right-of-reply and who may or may not deserve to be cast assumptions upon by an elitist holier-than-thou, self-appointed social commentator.

And in the red corner ...

we have the other one.

Basically, Tracy Grimshaw spends her career belittling people and making assumptions about their character based on mostly unfounded 'evidence' (ie. their elderly neighbour with slight Alzheimer's says they are receiving the single parent pension but are actually partnered) and portraying people in a manner that may not accurately reflect reality.

Gordon Ramsay is a rude, arrogant ass who makes a living belittling people and treating them like something stuck to the bottom of his shoe. He has no respect for anyone (not just women) and thinks that he is better than you, me and the general population.

In theory, these two should get along like a house on fire.

Fortunately for us they don't - so we get to watch the shit-fight.

I particularly enjoyed the line in Tracy's 'right-of-reply' that went "I'm not going to sit meekly and let some arrogant narcissist bully me" ... really Tracy? Well isn't it lovely for you that you have your own TV show to defend your honour. Too bad for the people you show on ACA every week that don't have a right-of-reply.

Alright, alright, her rebuttal was pretty good ... and Ramsay is a complete ass who deserves a good and proper cock-punch and a lesson in how-to-make-fun-of-people-without-showing-what-a-misogynist-prick-you-are (or even just a lesson in how to be remotely funny) ... but I like to look at the bigger picture.

On another note - Tracy made a big deal about the fact that she wasn't gay. Ummmm, not wanting to cast aspersions but I have some pretty solid sources who would suggest otherwise. Not that it should matter - but it makes my blood boil when people in the public eye *I'm looking at you Anthony Calea* go to great lengths to deny their homosexuality. It perpetuates the insinuation that there is something WRONG with being gay and that 'coming out' will ruin a persons life.

Be out and proud I say - and if being gay IS something that would jeopardise a career in current affairs perhaps that is a worthwhile story rather than another "deadbeat dad" or "bumbling bureaucrat" one.

* Please note: I am well aware that many of the people shown on current affairs programs may, in fact, be represented quite accurately as the cretin they are - they might be dole bludging, womanising, morally bankrupt pieces of human waste - but since when did I become the judge and jury?

When it comes to current affairs you need to remember - who is it that wants you to see this, and why do they want you to see it, and who is making a profit from your elitist moral outrage?

ONE MORE THING: The feminist groups are outraged by the comparison of women to animals - whilst the comments were abhorrent and definitely derogatory to women (or at least one woman) - I think if he was having a go at a male reporter he might use similar techniques - let me repeat: he's just a prick.

And finally, a few of the people at Ramsay's live show (where the comments were made) have expressed 'outrage' - commenting that the show was supposed to be for families ... Sorry?!?! Any idiot thinking they were going to get a family-friendly evening out of Gordon Ramsay deserves to be offended.

Fuck that!


  1. Great post. Couldn't agree more.

    And oooh, is she really a lesbian?? Hot goss!

  2. Thanks!

    Re Tracy and the gay factor; it's one of those cases where the person that told me assures me that they are %100 sure - and is a very trusted friend - but really, it can only be gossip without more evidence than words because the person that told her might have been lying!

    I don't think it really changes anything - it's as important as her being allergic to peanuts - but I wanted to make the point of celebrities denying their homosexuality.

  3. I work in media and I can confirm that Grimshaw is bent. I'm gay myself and out and have been for 14 years, and it just makes my blood boil that this woman went on tv militantly claiming to be heterosexual. The woman is an absolute stain.

  4. It is definitely disappointing but not at all shocking considering the audience demographic of ACA.

    The average viewer would no doubt be homophobic (and racist and jingoist and Christian and right-wing), with a low IQ and strong sense of moral outrage.

    She couldn't risk losing those important ears and eyes!
