Sunday, July 12, 2009


The preview for the new series of channel 10's Rush looks amazing:

I must admit I never watched series 1, I'm not really a fan of crime drama and the programming was always chopping and changing. It seems though that 10 is putting a bit more faith in series 2, with the addition of Jolene Anderson (formerly of channel 7's All Saints) and what looks like a whole lot of action and stunt work.

I'll be watching this season. (Episode one was available on the Ten website in its entirety from the 3rd of July but has since disappeared.)

Rush returns 8:30pm Thursday July 16 on channel 10.


  1. I do like the foxy guy that played 'Drazic' in Heartbreak High. The 'sexy' vibe they're giving off in the ads though, with the stripsearch? Seems a bit naf.
    I may watch if I remember that it's on!

  2. I agree they are really pushing his 'naughty boy' profile - the Green Guide did a feature on the actor (Callan Mulvey) last week and he was definitely pushed as the good-boy-that-plays-bad-boys ... which is just more to love really.
